Subject of complaint: Main Department of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine in the City of Kyiv (MD of SFS)
Complaint in brief: On June 12, 2017, a trade company registered in Kyiv turned to the BOC regarding delay by MD of SFS to refund to Complainant VAT for January-February 2017 in amount over UAH 14 mn.
Action taken: In the course of preliminary assessment of complaint, the BOC investigator discussed the issue of Complainant with VAT refund monitoring department. The Head of the Department informed the BOC investigator that applications for VAT refund submitted by Complainant had been handed over to the Register of VAT refund applications, and would be processed in the nearest time.
Result achieved: On June 22, the Complainant informed the Council that VAT for January-February 2017 was repaid to him in full. The case was closed within 10 days.
Main Department of SFS in Kyiv refunds VAT worth over UAH 14 mn to trade company