Subject of Complaint: Kyiv Municipal Department of the Environment and Natural Resources
Complaint in Brief: A year ago, Politon, a small company from Kyiv, filed a complaint with the BOC. Since end of 2013, the Kyiv Municipal Department of the Environment and Natural Resources had failed to renew a permit for the emission of pollutants into the air. Over the course of two years, the Department kept challenging the Complainant’s documents and insisted on drafting a permit justification of the volumes of emissions the company produced.
Actions taken: The BOC examined the case carefully and concluded that the permit could be prolonged based on the existing documents without drawing up a permit justification. The BOC’s experts met a number of times with the Kyiv Municipal Administration and Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources. They finally went to the very top and met with Mayor Vitaliy Klitschko.
Result achieved: In June 2016, after more than two years of frustration, the Complainant notified the BOC that the permit had finally been extended. The case was closed and the Council received a thank-you letter from the Complainant.
Kyiv Environmental Dept finally renews permit after two years