Subject of complaint: Registration Service of Baryshiv Village Council, Kyiv Oblast
Complaint in brief: On July 4, 2016, the BOC received a complaint from a foreign investor who owned the Novus chain of supermarkets. The Baryshiv Council’s registrar had cancelled the Complainant’s corporate rights to one of the companies in which he had invested, an action that was apparently based on forged documents.
Action taken: On the day the complaint came in, the BOC inspector contacted representatives of the Ministry of Justice to discuss the situation. The inspector also spoke with officials at the Registration Department of the Ministry of Justice about the procedure for challenging illegal registration activities.
Result achieved: On July 6, the Complainant informed the BOC that the illegal registration entry had been withdrawn. The authorized registrar also lost the right to further engage in registration activity.
Foreign investor’s corporate rights are restored in Baryshiv