Complainee: State Tax Service (STS), Main Department of STS in Kyiv City (MD STS)
Complaint in brief: The Council received a complaint from a meat products retailer from Kyiv. The enterprise complained about suspension of registration of a tax invoice. According to the decision of the MD STS, the company did not provide documents copies necessary to confirm the reality of transactions. The complainant tried to settle the situation on its own, having additionally submitted all required documents and explanations to the tax authority. However, the controlling body rejected registration of the tax invoice. The company turned to the Business Ombudsman Council (BOC) for help.
Actions taken: Since complaints related to suspension of tax invoices registration require prompt response due to the need to appeal against the tax decision within the first seven days, the investigators team initiated immediate consideration of the complaint.
The Council acknowledged the complaint of the meat supplier was substantiated and recommended the STS to ensure a proper consideration of the complaint, take into account the arguments of the complainant and the Council, and satisfy the company’s complaint.
Results achieved: The STS upheld recommendations of the Council and cancelled the illegal decision on suspension of the tax invoice registration. The enterprise thanked the Council for help: “We express our sincere gratitude to the BOC for the prompt, quality, thorough and professional work in consideration of our complaint. Thanks to your help we managed to assert our legitimate rights in the pre-trial body and focus on doing business rather than wasting time and money on litigation”. The case is successfully closed.
“First aid” to meat supplier: tax invoice unblocked