
Data tables accepted — tax invoices unblocked

Tax VAT invoice suspension Odesa region

It  is not the first time that a Ukrainian plastic products producer has complained to the Business Ombudsman Council. A previous complaint concerned data tables that tax officials had refused to accept. However, with the assistance of the Council, the tax office accepted tables then and  registered   the company’s  invoices. Nevertheless, some time later, the State Tax Service of Ukraine (STS) canceled the previous decisions of the regional commission regarding  data tables acception.

The company once again asked the Council to intervene and help to settle this situation.

The Council submitted a complaint for consideration by the Expert Group with the STS of Ukraine. As a result, one managed  to find out that tax officials had questioned the company’s counterparty.

In particular, the companies conducted similar business, and several persons were listed among the founders and employees of both companies that created doubts for the tax office. At the same time, during another tables submission, the company added an explanation regarding the correlation of its own activities with those  of its counterparty. Thus, the complainant explained that indeed the companies had been related to each other to some extent, but both were real producers, used different manufacturing techniques and had the necessary resources for conducting their activities. However, this time, the regional tax office rejected the tables referring to a risky counterparty.

Then the Council once again discussed the situation of the complainant with the regional commission and the  STS of Ukraine commission. As a result of the complaint processing, which lasted more than 6 months, the tax office eventually accepted 4 tables of the company.

Next case:: Overcoming tax obstacles: the case of the salt plant