Complainee: The State Customs Service (State Customs Service), Chornomorsk Customs
Complaint in brief: The Business Ombudsman Council received a complaint from a Ukrainian supermarkets chain. The company exported goods through Mykolaiv commercial port. In order to allow transportation of goods abroad, the customs must draw up and issue an order to load the goods on board the vessel based on a customs declaration in a short time. However, the customs officers refused issuing such an order to the complainant with a significant delay without giving proper explanations. The company filed a complaint to the State Customs Service against inaction of Chornomorsk customs officers. Since, as it turned out, the customs officers were systematically delaying issuance of orders to load goods on the vessel, the company turned to the Council for help.
Actions taken: After examining the circumstances of the case, the investigators team found the complaint substantiated. The Council recommended that the State Customs Service issue the necessary orders for loading the goods on board the chartered vessel as soon as possible or provide a reasoned refusal without delay. In particular, the BOC reminded that according to the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement public authorities must adhere to a good governance principle and act in a timely and proper manner and as consistently as possible.
The Council’s team pointed out that the problem that arose in the situation with the supermarkets chain was systemic. It is not the first time that the company has encountered difficulties in issuing orders, with which they complained to the Council.
In order to speed up resolution of the company’s case, the Council brought the subject of the complaint for consideration at expert groups meeting with the State Customs Service constantly monitoring the subject of the complaint resolution process.
Result achieved: Thanks to mediation of the BOC, the State Customs Service issued an order to transport the complainant’s goods abroad. The case was successfully closed.
Cargo with Ukrainian supermarket goods crosses the border