Object of the complaint: The State Architecture and Construction Inspection
Complaint in brief:On June 23, 2015, a wholesale and retail distributor of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and gasoline filed a complaint against malpractice in the part of the State Architecture and Construction Inspection (SACI). SACI was apparently putting the issuance of building permits on hold, which had led to financial and reputational losses on the part of the complainant.
The complainant had submitted an application package three times to SACI, but each time the reasons for refusing to issue the permit were changed by the controlling authority.
Actions taken: On August 15, the BOC submitted an official note to the State Architectural and Construction Inspection with a request to issue the permit.
Result achieved: Two days after the BOC’s official request, SACI issued the building permit. The case was closed.
Architecture and construction agency delays issuing permit